
Does God want people unemployed? In Genesis 2 we are told that God finished the work of creation, and that humans were placed into the garden to work it. Far from being a curse, it is something creative.

God’s creation is not something completed, but something ongoing in which we have a part. We are co-workers with God in creation. Work is therefore always meant to be creative, something which adds to the world and an integral part of God’s overall act of creation.

Work is not only part of creation but it also gives us identity. Jesus was the carpenter’s son (Matthew 13:55). In order for work to contribute positively to someone’s identity, it must bring them a sense of dignity. The apostle Paul told the believers of Thessalonica that manual work would bring the “the respect of outsiders” (1 Thessalonians 4:11). In fact Paul was a tent maker.(Acts 18:3)

The absence of work is destructive, because work forms part of our contribution to the overall work of God. That is why it should not be allowed to become the privilege of a few, but a basic right granted to all people.

We are all called to labour doing God’s work, working for the kingdom of God. Some work as labourers, others as tradesmen, others as business people and others as pastors and priests.


  • Work is taking an active part in God’s ongoing creation. It is what HE made us for and is therefore a source of identity and dignity.
  • Work is a way of using the talents God has given us for the benefit of others, and is therefore a way of becoming part of the community.


  • Unemployment, the absence of work, is the denial of a God given right and the squandering of God given talent.
  • Unemployment tells people that they are worth less, whilst God has a purpose and plan for each and regards them as valued and loved.

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